Life Coaching with Tereasa Jones - Navigate the World of Relationships

Life Coaching with Tereasa Jones - Navigate the World of Relationships

Tereasa Jones
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We are so thankful that the Holy Spirit used Tereasa to help us repair our fractured marriage. We thought we had a good marriage, but were wrong. We thought we were communicating, but were not. And we thought we understood each other, but didn’t.

Tereasa helped us identify the wedge issues separating us; and which needed to be forgiven and forgotten, and which had to be worked through in a positive and constructive way. She taught us how to communicate our hurts and needs with the focus on reconciliation, without accusation or retaliation. And most importantly she gave us hope that the sometimes painful effort of working through our problems would lead to the Christ-honoring and loving marriage that we desperately wanted.

We thank the Lord for Tereasa’s compassion, kindness, and wisdom; for her boldness and honesty is addressing our mistakes and sin; and especially for her heart that reflects the love of Christ.
Beth and Drew. Phoenix, Arizona.

My family and I have been coaching with Tereasa for about 18 months. Tereasa is very sensitive to specific needs. She is very knowledgeable and encouraging. She is able to effectively diagnose situations and suggests practical solutions to solving problems. She has helped me develop my personal strengths and be aware of my weaknesses. She has given me the skills to confidently and effectively parent my children with empathy. She is understanding of children with many challenges and she is able to help parents make good parenting choices with these children. I appreciate the time we have had with Tereasa. She has been a Godsend to me.

Dawn, Kansas City, Ks.

When my fiance (who has ADD/ADHD) and I first started coaching with Tereasa, I thought he needed some “fixing” and I could be helpful by just being there for him. As time went on, I discovered that I needed some “fixing” also. Our arguments were causing our relationship to slowly self-destruct. Now after a few months of some sessions on our own and some sessions together our relationship has improved and is better than we every thought it could be. We have learned better approaches to our conversations, to re-frame and re-word statements to one another. Our communication habits have improved tremendously. We have learned to praise one another when we use the tools we have learned and I am feeling like I am getting to know my fiance all over again, but in a better, more exciting way. We are learning to stop and take some time when a discussion begins to turn into an argument. Tereasa has been such a great help to us in developing a relationship that we think will last for the rest of our lives. She makes us feel safe and comfortable to share our deepest thoughts with her and with each other. During our sessions, Tereasa has helped us find the words when we couldn’t find them ourselves. She pulls them out of us, even makes suggestions for re-framing, but always checks to make sure that the words are the ones we want to use. Any time one of our friends or family members have trouble I recommend them to Tereasa. She has completely turned our relationship around. I am now looking forward to many happy years with my fiance and I know that when I hit a bump, Tereasa will be the one I will call.

Loretta, Overland Park, Ks.

Tereasa is a great coach who helped me grow both professionally and personally during the five years we worked together. She provided me with invaluable insights about life situations on so many occasions that I couldn’t begin to count them! More importantly, she taught me how to examine those situations so that I can now discover many of those insights for myself. Tereasa has helped me to define my goals both professionally and personally, and has given me the tools to realize those goals. Her professional knowledge is excellent, and her commitment and caring always made our work together enjoyable. I highly recommend Tereasa as a coach!


I have worked professionally with Tereasa Jones for over ten years in many capacities. She was a business mentor to me when I first started my own coaching practice. Her broad knowledge of the coaching field was extremely helpful as well as her intuitive ability to encourage and navigate me through setting up ethical, professional business practices. For Tereasa, ethics and professionalism are always in the forefront. Whether it is how she markets herself and her work, how she interacts with a client, or how she conducts her business (ie: billing, managing client files, etc.) Tereasa is quick to ask herself of how she can best handle the situation in a way that brings integrity to the coaching industry, her coaching practice, and to the work she is doing with her clients. It is always a pleasure to work with Tereasa.

Certified Parent Coach

Tereasa has helped me with many situations when I could not see the forest for the trees. She is always able to help me take a step back and look at the big picture and offers fresh ways of seeing situations that I would never have thought of. I feel like I am much better able to handle situations because of suggestions she has given me. Many times, we might find someone to solve a problem for us, but the most valuable thing someone can give us is the ability to solve a problem for ourselves and I am better able to deal with life situations because of things Tereasa has taught me. She is one of those rare people who has a vast knowledge to share and is genuinely a very caring and compassionate individual. I consider myself very blessed to have had her in my life. I wish she would have been around years ago. I would highly recommend her as a coach to anyone!

Sandy, Grove Ok.

I am so thankful for our group. Tereasa was right-IT is AWESOME! I love the women in group already and feel so safe with them.. It was a new experience being on phone, but I loved it. One thing is that I can do it anywhere I am! I am looking forward to next week.

Nancy, Enid, Ok.

My ADD interfered in my life to the point that my relationships were falling apart, I couldn’t hold a job, and I even drove myself crazy.  Tereasa literally introduced me to myself.  She guided me in learning who I am and what I have to offer.  She helped me learn how to work within my reality.  She didn’t try to change me, but she did insist that I take personal responsibility for my ADD/ADHD.  Now my wife and I are doing well.  Not perfect, but we are very happy.  I have a steady job and contribute income to the support of our family, and maybe the best part is that I have come to appreciate my ADD/ADHD and even become friends with it!

Bob, Kansas City, Mo.

I started working with Tereasa for my ADD/ADHD, but through the years we have worked on my job, my relationships with my husband, my grown children, my co-workers and my friends.  We have talked about my hobby that could become a job and I have developed a website and do public showings of my work.  I don’t know if it will ever be a full time job for me, but I am having fun with it and Tereasa has helped keep me on track so that I am always moving forward.  I would recommend her to anyone with or without ADD/ADHD.  She has truly transformed my life.

Gayle, Connecticut

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