Life Coaching with Tereasa Jones - Navigate the World of Relationships

Life Coaching with Tereasa Jones - Navigate the World of Relationships

Tereasa Jones
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Streamline your Life, Reclaim your Freedom!


When you first walk in the door to your home after a hard day at work, how do you feel? Do you sigh with pleasure because you’re finally in your safe spot, or do you just want to run away because your home is a stressful mess? Have you ever wanted to invite friends over, but didn’t because of the state of your place? Have you ever been late because you couldn’t find your keys, your coat, your gloves in the mess? Are you forced to grab food on the run because you didn’t have time to prepare a nutritious meal? Is your clutter and lack of organization stealing your peace? Do you just want some FREEDOM and REST? Sounds like you need to streamline your life!

When I first asked what having a streamlined life meant to my clients, I got back answers ranging from “experiencing peace” to “having time for family, friends, hobbies, and relaxation”. All of that sounds good to me! But the question is, how do we reach that place of peace and freedom?

Join me the next several weeks as we explore how you can move from a stressed out, worn out You to a newly energized, rested, and peaceful You. Over just a few weeks, you can find the freedom you have been looking for and take control of your life. Before we get started, let’s take a look at some of the things that might get in your way. And at the end of this article, there is a mental clutter checklist that you can download to get started!

Creating the right mindset is critical to your success

Today, let’s just talk about what you can do to prepare your mind for the transition into a streamlined life. All the good intentions in the world won’t help if you aren’t mentally and emotionally ready. Behavior follows attitude, actions are behaviors. This means that if your attitude isn’t right, the behavior and actions that follow won’t get you where you want to be. What can you do to give yourself the best chance for success? Here are a few questions that will help you assess where you are on the idea of streamlining your life:

  • Why do you want to streamline your life?
  • What benefit will it provide for you?
  • What will your life look like when it is streamlined?
  • What does your life look like right now?
  • Is this the right time to do this? If not, when?
  • Do you have any concerns about the process? What are they?

Take some time and answer these questions for yourself. The time might be now, or the time might be a month from now. You’ve continued reading this so far, so my guess is that the appeal of streamlined life is on your mind. Well then, let’s go on this journey together! Watch your inbox for my next post and don’t forget to download the mental clutter checklist below:

I’d love to hear about some of the things you do to streamline your life.  We learn by sharing with each other, so comment below and let’s start streamlining together. You can grab a copy of my new e-book “Living Life Intentionally with ADHD, Open the Door to Your Potential” here. I hope you find it helpful!



Also posted in ADD/ADHD, Coaching, Communication, Decision Management, Life Coaching | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

What are you Thankful for this Thanksgiving?



This week, thanksgiving week, I’ve been thinking a lot about the state of our world, our country in particular.  My hope for everyone in this country is that we will do what we have always done, what we are, in fact, known for.  We will come together as a nation and look at the cards that we have been dealt and figure out what to do with them.  Why not let this Thanksgiving be a true Thanks Giving?  Something magical happens when we turn our thoughts towards being thankful.  Suddenly things don’t look so bleak.

Yesterday during a class that I’m taking, the instructor opened with each of us saying what we are thankful for.  I had a few minutes to think while others responded and what came to my mind was that I am thankful for my home.  Yesterday and today I thought, “That’s a weird thing to be thankful for out of all the blessings I have”.  But there you have it.  That’s what I thought and what I said to the class.  Later as I was thinking about it I wondered why I responded that way.  After all I am very thankful for my family, my friends and my clients.  I’m thankful that I have meaningful work that I love.  I’m thankful that I have EVERYTHING I need and most of what I want.  But what came out of my mouth was I’m thankful for my home.

My home isn’t grand.  It isn’t large.  It isn’t on a lake or beach.  It’s not on an acreage.  But it is mine and it provides shelter, refuge, and a sense of safety and community.  There are so many people in the world and in our country who don’t have a safe place to lay their head down at night.  Who will go to soup kitchens for their Thanksgiving meal, or maybe even do without.  There is a lot of uncertainty in the world and in our country right now, but when I walk through my door and close it behind me, my world feels safe.  It comforts me.  I know that I’m fortunate.  I know this isn’t the world a good many people live in.  I am thankful for it.

What are you thankful for?  Would you please, for now, put aside all the disharmony and disagreement that our country and our world are experiencing and think about your blessings?  I would love to hear what you come up with.

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