Author Archives: Tereasa Jones
How to Improve Task Initiation
The most crucial step in getting things done is the simple act of getting started. This can be particularly challenging for people with ADHD because ADHD impairs the executive function necessary for task initiation. If you’re finding that you just can’t get started on your To-Do list, here are some tips to improve task initiation.
Mental Flexibility
Mental flexibility is the ability to adapt one’s behavior quickly in order to handle different situations in different ways. One of the side effects of living with ADHD is that you lack mental flexibility. Find out how you can manage your mental flexibility in this blog.
How Mindfulness Can Improve Your Focus
Research has shown that mindfulness, when adapted for ADHD, can improve focus and concentration. In a fast-paced world with countless distractions and demands on our focus, mindfulness and meditation have gained popularity.
Are You Ready To Take Control of Your Schedule? It’s Easier Than You Think!
Few things upset our lives more than a failure to plan. The Executive Functioning area of the brain is the part responsible for planning, so when there are challenges in this area, planning just doesn’t happen. A misfiring Executive Functioning area can hit people differently and affect the way they interact with the world.
Executive Functioning and Problem Solving
There is no such thing as a problem-free life. I wish there was, but there just isn’t! That’s the first truth that we have to accept. When we are faced with a problem, we could always try to avoid it. But avoidance is actually counterproductive. The more we avoid the problem, the bigger it gets. […]
Executive Functioning – The Root of the Problem for Those with ADHD
Executive functioning is the decision-making center of the brain. It’s the part of our brains that helps us do just about everything that we do, except for autonomic functions. We don’t need to think about breathing, for example, it just pretty much happens. We don’t think about our eyes blinking as they, for the most […]
Minimalist or Simplicity, What’s the Difference?
Everywhere you turn today, you see books, articles, and blog posts about simplifying your life, or the value of a minimalist lifestyle. Some might say that both phrases have been overused, and perhaps they would be right. But it’s the concepts, not the words, that I’m interested in. What you decide to call these concepts […]
Streamline Your Life with These 10 Clutter Hacks!
Last week, we talked about mental clutter and how it can impact your daily life. This week, let’s talk about physical clutter. Learning how to managing physical clutter is a huge subject, but with some systems and structures, you can reclaim a sense of physical order in your life. Once it is under control, you […]
Streamline Your Life: Let’s Talk About Clutter
We can’t discuss streamlining our lives without also talking about clutter, it is one of the biggest obstacles in the way of us getting organized. There are two types of clutter that I would like to focus on, the first is the clutter taking up space in our environments (our home, office, car, yard, etc.) […]
Streamline Your Life Using the Principle of Multiplicity
One of my clients wrote a document that she calls the “Jones Principles”. These are attitudes that she has learned throughout our coaching over the past several years. One of the Jones Principles is the principle of multiplicity. In other words, if you are going to put the work in, make it so that you […]